Yesterday I got a problem with my iPhone 5.
When I called Apple, Inc. Customer Service (my first time to call for help), CS asked my phone's Serial Number. By the way, I already gathered my phone's manual before I called because I know that Apple would ask me something related to the phone and so I did. So there it went.
Then a three months warranty (of phone and accessories as well as help for any questions) after buying already expired. Bummer! Ooh well. Of course, Apple going to ask me if I have to buy for an extended warranty and that will be two years. Since I cannot get any information from my research and any instinct, I just then dived to that extension, no choice, I am going to scour anywhere to get any idea but it would take time. Since I need it, I just then got it. I think it is the best choice because it will be again, two years of warranty for a phone, accessories and yes if any questions I have in mind.
Take note, there is a time-frame of talking to such Apple Customer Service and it will only be five minutes or less every call. I am also thinking of maybe I can upgrade if there's a latest one came in. Ooh well. But it's worth it (I think)!