How to Start Making Smart Financial Decisions
One way to be smart is to reduce the amount you were paying to banks and credit card companies. Add up what you were paying your bank for using your own money, and then shop for a bank with lower fees on the services you use. For example, if you use the ATM look for a bank that doesn’t impose a charge for withdrawals. If you write only a few checks each month, look for a basic account. Compare the costs of small local banks to better known large ones that have branches in your community. Find out whether there is a way to get a better deal by consolidating your banking business in one place. Figure out that using your credit cards, is costing you. If you are paying an annual fee, look for a card that doesn’t charge one or at least charge small interest. Compare the interest rates of various cards charge, especially if you occasionally have to spread out your payments. Find out any resources. Ask what is the costs to take a cash advance instead of using an ATM that debits your checking account.