
Showing posts with label Entrecard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Entrecard. Show all posts

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Junk Mail and Entrecard

Everyday I have to open my email checking if I have an important email from my little online gig. Today, I got annoyed again for I have tons of junk mail. I have no idea how they got my email address. I wish it is all true when they sent a message telling me that I won million dollars. I also received commercial emails and when you click the link, it is sometimes a virus. Fortunately, I have installed anti-virus, and it is properly working. Anyway, I was on Facebook earlier, and I have read that Entrecard has been closed for a week now. I am a member of Entrecard for a couple of years, and I could tell it helps me a lot to have visitors on my blogs. I dropped EC everyday just to earn points, and use these points to advertise my blogs to the other blogs. I feel so sad that EC has come to an end. I wish they just wanted to change the format, interface, whatever. I wish they will come back one of these days, and if ever they create a new social network site similar to Entrecard, I would definitely like to join again.


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Entrecard, Where Are You?

Are you still active in dropping EC? Last year I am addicted to that. I can say I do it regularly. In my 3 blogs they are all active and enrolled at entrecard. My day is not compete without any drops. I use to have 200 or more drops in each on my blogs every day, sometimes it's perfect, 300. Sounds so perfect and it helps a lot on my blog traffic. I can see that dropping EC (short for EnterCard) might not be super solid traffic respond but it really helps.

I am just sad sometimes bloggers don't respond my drops. LOL! That is normal I guess. Am thankful for those who drop back with me. Now am busy with my little one, I can't drop anymore, well sometimes. I miss dropping or entrecarding much! So I am planning to get back dropping next month if possible but will see.

Anyway, I wish you guys a happy evening and enjoy your day with your love ones. I would like to grab this opportunity to thank to one of my dear blogger friend who always share some tips in blogging and more tips of being a mom. So thank to you my dear. You are an angel, you know who you are!


Monday, May 10, 2010

Viruses, Women Images, Etc

Days ago (or perhaps still today or for the coming days? Hope not!), I got several blocks of that malwares the time that I open a blog. Well, I kinda just curious because such blog is a decent well-maintained blog yet my anti-virus/malware software got such! Whatta... ! I was really curious about it, and then the blog owner/s blog about it and since I follow her/their blogs, I am updated every time they post something, and yeah that caught my eyes and so I clicked such individual link and holah! There's that virus again, and yep it marked 5 of how worst that one is! Eerrrr... am so glad I have an up-to-date anti-virus software or else! Geeezzz... By the way, such blocks of virus will supposedly displays advertisement on my blog or my PC without my permission. Whatta! It's how frustrating it will when it goes.... again, bad peeps won't get over with good ones. So, to the ones created or if this is your thing, then, better do something good for other people since you won't succeed whatever bad you have in mind. Turn your psychopath mind to a good one!

As to women images, that is still in EC. I also noticed that there are a lot of woman's images as to represent its blogs... ooh my... as to my count it beyond twenty counts.. and to tell you, even how many drops you put on my blog or even it is just an image as in your blog doesn't contain pornography or stuffs like that, I still won't reciprocate your drops.. sorry about that! Your loss is my gain if you still continue to drop on my card. So now you know...


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

TIR Top 10 April EC Droppers

This blog is on its second month of being thankful to Entrecard. With this, as per EC standard of every month there will be a thankful post to Top 10 EC Droppers, I would like to announce to the blogosphere world this blog's top. Thanks to:

1. The Cooling Stream
: rambling thoughts and reflections on life issues and faith.

2. Online Social Networking
: Thought provoking articles on a wide range of social media, web marketing and PR strategies.

3. Traders' Hub
: My blog gives trading advice, makes critical reviews of related sites, and teaches trading techniques.

4. Cacai's Steps and Journey
Description: My personal blog talks about my own wits, views, reviews, thoughts, beliefs, happiness, and my day to day experiences in this beautiful world we're living in, of good quality standard for which everyone of all ages is welcome. ***Adverts, I welcome you, feel free to ad. (~_~) ***

5. Pure Natural Diva
: Whole Living with Style. Information to help you make safer, eco friendly choices without giving up style or performance. Email me if you'd like to do a link exchange!

6. Nature's Beauty And Fury In Pictures
Direction: Images of nature's beauty and fury around the globe.

7. Twerlyn's Way of Thinking
: Personal, fashion, gadgets, family,food, events, business, economy, computer, internet, culture, friendship, married life, photos, beauty tips, showbiz, science, humanities, life, etc

8. Econolover
Description: I'm a genius, a economist, a theorist all rolled in to one with a hint of neo-liberalism.

9. Cacai M.'s Place
Description: This is a personal mixed bag blog.

10. When Rock Ruled
Description: When Rock Ruled is a place to hear rock mu sic with discernible words. No rap, no fluff, just good old rock & roll.

Dropper # of drops
The Cooling Stream 29
Online Social Networking 28
Traders' Hub 26
Cacai's Steps and Journey 23
Pure Natural Diva 21
Nature's Beauty And Fury In Pictures 21
Twerlyn's Way of Thinking 21
Econolover 20
Cacai M.'s Place 19
Kicking It Country Style 1

Thank you so much all for being here.. you guys rock!


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

This Blog (TIR) March Top 10 EC Droppers

free myspace comments

For the last thirty (30) days, TIR Entrecard Dashboard shows the following folks who got the top ten places. Thanks to all of you! Yep, better late than never (sorry about the late post ;-)
You are:

(1) The Cooling Stream
: Lifestyle
: rambling thoughts and reflections on life issues and faith.

(2) Online Social Networking
: Marketing
: Thought provoking articles on a wide range of social media, web marketing and PR strategies.

(3) Traders' Hub
: Business
: My blog gives trading advice, makes critical reviews of related sites, and teaches trading techniques.

(4) Cacai's Steps and Journey
: Personal Diary
: My personal blog talks about my own wits, views, reviews, thoughts, beliefs, happiness, and my day to day experiences in this beautiful world we're living in, of good quality standard for which everyone of all ages are welcome. ***Adverts, I welcome you, feel free to ad. (~_~) ***

(5) Nature's Beauty And Fury In Pictures
: Mixed Bag
: Images of nature's beauty and fury around the globe.

(6) Pure Natural Diva
: Environment
: Whole Living with Style. Information to help you make safer, eco friendly choices without giving up style or performance. Email me if you'd like to do a link exchange!

(7) eastcoastlife
:Personal Diary
: Turned away, threatened, silenced.... a woman's determination to save her only son and expose the dark side of the civil service!! I drop cards EVERYDAY and only to those who drop back. If you want to exchange daily drops, leave a message. Blog awards winner. Good traffic to my blog.

(8) Cacai M.'s Place
Category: Personal Diary
: This is a personal mixed bag blog.

(9) Kicking It Country Style
Category: Music
: Country music, some old, some new, no twang though.

(10) When Rock Ruled
Category : Music
: When Rock Ruled is a place to hear rock music with discernible words. No rap, no fluff, just good old rock & roll.

Dropper # of drops
The Cooling Stream 30
Online Social Networking 27
Traders' Hub 27
Cacai's Steps and Journey 26
Nature's Beauty And Fury In Pictures 23
Pure Natural Diva 23
eastcoastlife 23
Cacai M.'s Place 20
Kicking It Country Style 20
When Rock Ruled 19

Again, thanks a lot to all!


Saturday, March 6, 2010

TIR February Top 10 EC Droppers

Droppers # of drops
Cacai's Steps and Journey 20
Learning How To Make Money Online 19
Nature's Beauty And Fury In Pictures 19
Chuchie's Hideaway 16
EzGreatLife 16
Basic Bloganomics 14
Cacai M.'s Place 13
WhereAbouts 12
The Sweet Life 12

It was on the thirteenth (13th) of February that this blog was officially registered in a social blogging network, Entrecard. That was the birthdate of EC dropping of this blog. Today is the third week of this blog in EC. I would like to thank all the entrecarders and all those other bloggers and readers who drop and read this blog of mine. You know that this blog treasure you all. To all of you reading this - you know who you are, thank you so much. For now, let me thank this ten blogs who got the spot of top 10 on my dashboard. Once again, thank you so much that within the span of three weeks you came to know this blog of mine. Thankie so much! I hope to see you growing this month of March. See you at the end of this month for the recognition. Have a happy entrecarding and reading folks!


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Glad To Be Registered EC Member Now!

I would like to officially announce that this blog of mine and the other one (Cacai M's Place) are already registered EC members now (actually two days ago already). I am happy with the free service of entrecard behind of the hullabaloo nowadays (viruses on other members blogs, some service). That did not get into my pessimism of this bloggers networking site really. I know there are also many got out but that is their choice and this is also my choice. That is it for now. Again, welcome to entrecard dropping here and all my other blogs. Have a great blog hopping, entrecarding, and reading! Thanks... :-) ~hugs~


EC Chicklet Widget Image Issue!

I always love entrecard for bloggers networking and socializing aside from the fact that we can blog hop several blogs as we want---be it as to personal category, mixed bag, humor, blogging and resources and alike. I could say I love EC dearly but not the blogs which has a lot of pop-ups, annoying viruses! Few days ago one of my virtual blogging friend had caught-up viruses as she was dropping to and fro. Well, that is one of the disadvantage I can see on it. But I guess there sometimes folks like that do not know about the condition of their blogs. What I interact of my rants with are those malicious hackers who are just so fond of breaking up normal internet browsing. And I have to tell it is not funny and you know what the person affected felt! I can relate because I too was a victim. :-( So now, what about the members blog's "chicklet" widget issue? Yep, have you ever wonder that there are many blogs already that their images are sexy girls? I do not know yours but I have several in my droppers inbox. What is somewhat like interesting is that it did not coincide to what its contents are. For me, it is not that issue but its weird. Ooh will perhaps not weird anymore? Ahh... folks like to drop on interesting image? Okay, it is up to you to decide but for me I really do not buy to drop to those sites like that. First time and on those fresh times, I managed to reciprocate but not anymore for now. I find it ewww... :-) Again, there are many of them in my inbox! I am just glad that it is not p**n?!. (am not sure of some)... I do not condemn them, I just want to give my personal opinion. Okay, so much about this, I am curious and just giving out my personal idea. If you are one of a member of entrecard, or as a person in general, what do you think? Have a good day! I wish you all the best.


Thursday, October 1, 2009


As what I knew(based upon its definition), Entrecard is a free blogging network. When we say free, no more cost. But with the hustle bustle that went on lately, it is something about entrepreneurship. I got it from the first word "entre". Ooh well, I know "free" is the best but I also know that in lieu of all the expenses it cost, the management team will one day charge something to the consumers(bloggers) either in money or services. Entrecard management(as they said) don't want to charge a cost to the bloggers who uses its service but since the bloggers(in a discussion) suggest that they will just pay Entrecard for something if they want to opt-out paid ads run on their blog. I know in every suggestion or idea, there will always be pros and cons with it. And am one of the concern, so far I haven't come up yet with the decision if to stay or the opposite of it. I will just see if the management will post something before October 5th or the sponsor ads program will then be implemented. There's so much happening about Entrecard nowadays, and if you're one of the members or wants to know more about this, you may like to visit Entrecard blog. Have your voice through commenting so the management can hear your idea and reaction. I hope the management will come up to just and fair idea between the bloggers and the network's interest. I know the quotation that "you can't please everybody" but am just hoping for the best.


My Disclosure Policy:

This blog is a personal blog of my random thoughts written and edited by me. Beginning this date: October 13, 2009, this blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.

The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content, advertising space or post may not always be identified as paid or sponsored content. The owner of this blog is sometimes compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner of this blog receives compensation for my posts or advertisements, I always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. I am expressing my own opinion about products and services, but I am not endorsing them. Thus, you should do your own research on products or services that I mention here in my blog. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question. This blog does contain content which might present a conflict of interest. This content may not always be identified. About writings, pictures, or images -- do not copy or reproduce any of it without prior consent of the blog owner, or written permission. Any further question/s, concerns, clarifications, review, and etcetera -- please contact me through my email add/ cacainad (at) gmail (dot) com/ or you can comment me anywhere in my post. You can say don't publish it, should you like to write it through commenting. And the rest will be arrange. Thank You. __________________________________________



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