Some Tips and Ideas in Writing a Post
Just luckily I found some time to search and scribble my mind. I would like to share with you folks. I know for sure we are in the same boat.
Here we go:
1.) Try to write a very short review on the following: Products that you like or you want to get.
2.) Write your favorite books, movies, music or even restaurants that you have been visiting before and put some pictures if possible.
3.) Post a photo (or photos) related to your blog topic. Just put a little bit caption on it then hover your mind what comes next and it will then flow, so you have now the ideas what to post. Whew! Yehey!
4.) Read and watch news, local, world and international news and find some interesting updates. Make sure not to copy articles. Just make a short summary or idea out of it! Be sure to thank where you got the news!
5.) Recall some interesting, positive and helpful event happened in your life and begin to post! :-)
Have a great posting!