
Showing posts with label Blogging and Resources. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogging and Resources. Show all posts

Thursday, July 30, 2015

3 of My 5 Blogs are Back on the PageRank Table

You know that I have five blogs and you also know that I was not able to show-up here for too long as I have family matters to handle first which needs my attention. After all, blogging can wait. But, I did not let go of my domains other than my Food Blog (Foods 'n Bites). But hey, lo and behold I just came here as I got notification on my email about expiration of the three to which I remember I set-up an automatic renewal for it just for the meantime that I'm still thinking and debating if I have to let go of it soon or then, to my surprise, I got an awesome news! My main blog (Cacai's Steps & Journey) got its pagerank back for how many years of waiting, although it has decrease from PR3 to PR2 but hey! Who won't not be surprised of that? Not unless if you're just came in blog land or don't have any idea about it, other than that, I think everyone will be delighted and that doesn't excludes me, apparently! Ha! Thoughts?

Hooray! Smile. :-) Have a great day!


Sunday, October 19, 2014

Choosing the Right Keywords

You might think that publishing an article in the World Wide Web is just like submitting a thesis, or essay to your professor. If you think like this, then you are absolutely wrong. When you publish an article online, you are submitting it to the world and not to a one person only. The only difference of the two is that, on the essay, there is merely one person who could read and rate your work, and that is your professor. On the other hand, publishing an article to the WWW, it's Mr. G.'s judgement (or Google). If Mr. G. likes the performance of your blog, he then gives you a good grade or rate which is what is called, Page Rank.

So, the question is, how would you create a good article, and how would you get a lot of readers without inviting them personally? First and foremost, it must be fresh content which coincide with a fresh news (like what's new, what's the latest)! Okay apart from that, I will share to you the very simple technique which I have learned from a friend which I believe (it's a good advise and I think I gonna do it then, if remembered). :-) :-D, though I don't really exercise such in my blog. I just blog whatever I love to, as long as it coincides with what the blog is all about.

Alright, it's what she said. When you compose for an article, the title of your article must include a keyword. This keyword should be mentioned, three times or less than, in your article. Mentioning this for more than three times, the spider web that crawled to our blog might consider your keyword as invalid. As a result, when the surfer searches on the net typing your keyword, the search engine couldn't find your article, or if it does, it would land on the last page of search engine like Google. So, avoid mentioning it for more than three times.


Thursday, April 24, 2014

Visualize Before Creating a New Blog/Niche

You have been blogging for a year, or couple of years now, and then you wanted to create another blog. You chose that topic for your brand-new blog because you have knowledge about it. Do you think that your new blog might stick around, or it might not? Relating to your old niche or existing blog, look back at how it all got started and what you have been doing to be able to stick around.

Now, think of any changes that might happen in the blogosphere. Include in your thought with Mr. G., does this gigantic robot have a good heart to give you a reasonable rank in the World Wide Web? If there are changes, what changes do you wish would come? You probably noticed the current fads or trends, will they stick and change your niche, or will they fade away? Do you see that your new blog, new niche will stay for years just like your other blogs? Well, for those who have planned to create another blog, all I can say is that, write with your heart content. Just be yourself and one day soon, your blog will be discovered and you'll reap what you sow. Good Luck to you and to your blog. Have a great day!


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Blogger Platform Statistic Feature

Amazes me. Yes, it is amazing that  feeling that you just publish your post and then in a snap, there's already five readers reading. I mean like, ooh yeah? That's how fast? It just then a good motivation to be careful of what we're posting because it is not all about "me" but there's also "them", or "you" that gets info what one is talking, oops I meant "writing" about.

I'm a happy camper when talking about that. Only that sometimes we need to think real hard to come-up an idea. Ha!


Thursday, July 4, 2013

FEEDJIT to Track Blog/ Website Visitors

If you're a blogger or an owner of a website and you like to track your visitor, then I suggest you to get a FEEDJIT Live Traffic Feed. There is a free option that gives the recent 10 visitors city and country address that appears when they're visiting -- the time also. On the other hand, there's that "paid" option which gives more privileges if you want to go higher. 

I have been using this for most of my blogs and it works great. Yes, I am using the "free" option and that's just fine for me. So far, I'm a happy camper!

You can see it in my left sidebar, the very bottom part after my pagerank widget. You can also Google it if you want to check out more.


Friday, June 21, 2013

Fast Internet Connection is A Must

If you're doing something in the computer, especially if it's important, fast Internet connection is very important.

If you thought, it is not a must, then you're wrong! That is because how could you do such if you're connection is just like a snail steps.

Alright. I can relate to that way, way back when I was still using my laptop and it's faraway from our router as well as we didn't upgrade the speed. Now (we actually upgrade it wayback 2011), it's faster, from 12 mbsps to 18 mbps. Streaming videos and watching in YouTube at the same time browsing Internet as well as browsing in my iPhone and iPad at the same time.

It does wonders. I am not dismayed (or even cried) anymore because of the slow Internet connection. I thought, upgrading it is worth it and yes, it really is! I'm a happy camper! I'm just sad of my friend because she has bad connection. :(


Friday, June 14, 2013

Do You Sometimes Think of Getting a Vacation from Your Blog?

Honestly, after giving birth of my precious Sarah, I thought I won’t have any problem on working my blogs, but when I learned that Sarah needs an extra attention, I have decided to end up my blogging gig, although it made me hurt when I think of it. I made some income on blogging but it is not really as big as those who are employed, but at least I can buy things that I want and I can also do such bucks I made freely because it is my own sweat and so.

Luckily, I have friends who told me not to stop blogging. They just gave me an advice to take a blog vacation, or just to update my blog once in a while.Now Sarah is big, and thanks to the Highest because she is not as fragile as when she was little. I can now make an update on my blogs when she is sleeping. Thanks to all my friends who encourage me to continue blogging, and most importantly, thanks to my behalf for the supports he gave to me.


Friday, November 9, 2012

Kindle Fire Gadget!

My friend have been looking for an affordable gadget and by accident last night she was in front of television and this kindle fire tablet flashed on TV and there she got the idea and willing to have one. The reviews for this gadget is very good and this is not only for kids but good for adults too!

 I am now reading about this now and I found out that this only costs more or less $160 and not bad at all. Very handy and with WIFI so why not trying this one? Rather than spending more budget to some other gadgets like IPAD or etc. I am not against of having iPad, in fact, it is really a choice of a person of what to get that corresponds to his/her budget. Okay, upon reading about this kindle fire it has almost the same capability. So I think she is doing great in her research upon her budget. No wonder she is so looking forward to have one as a Christmas gift for herself.

 What do you think guys, can she bring this anywhere, check mail and blog a bit?


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Junk Mail and Entrecard

Everyday I have to open my email checking if I have an important email from my little online gig. Today, I got annoyed again for I have tons of junk mail. I have no idea how they got my email address. I wish it is all true when they sent a message telling me that I won million dollars. I also received commercial emails and when you click the link, it is sometimes a virus. Fortunately, I have installed anti-virus, and it is properly working. Anyway, I was on Facebook earlier, and I have read that Entrecard has been closed for a week now. I am a member of Entrecard for a couple of years, and I could tell it helps me a lot to have visitors on my blogs. I dropped EC everyday just to earn points, and use these points to advertise my blogs to the other blogs. I feel so sad that EC has come to an end. I wish they just wanted to change the format, interface, whatever. I wish they will come back one of these days, and if ever they create a new social network site similar to Entrecard, I would definitely like to join again.


Friday, August 24, 2012

Paypal Security

As part of blogging, PayPal is connected to bloggers. I am pretty sure all bloggers has PayPal account and  that bloggers keep their PayPal to be in safe always as possible. I read a lot of scary experiences from others about their PayPal has been hacked and locked. Scary right? So far I am in safe side and don’t have any problem with PayPal. What some resourceful and careful individual PayPal user/s usually do is to open a PayPal account in one computer and that computer is the personal one. Just don’t open PayPal anywhere else. Also, don't leave much money on my PayPal. Withdraw it directly and transfer to your bank the earlier the better. Simple precaution helps! But sometimes we cannot avoid incidents that hackers roam around and find some ways to hacked your account. So be vigilant and don’t open any link sent to you by email. Log-in directly to PayPal website address and you will feel mo secured. One more thing, Mozilla browser helps as well by pointing your cursor to the left side of the URL, it has SSL certificate there if it's the true PayPal website and it has https on its URL. Be sure it is not faded too, it is as clear as a diamond. Ha! Kidding aside but am serious. The website's (PayPal) letters-typed are not blurry. Just my unsolicited advise as I am using PayPal for years already and have seen and read precautions from them and other reliable resources.


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Planning to buy another USB stick

As I plan to organize my stuff. I am planning to buy two or three more USB stick and separate each files for each USB. I guess this is the best way for back-up and segregate all of my important files. I was in the mall and checking it out and it cost a bit. Ha! Picky I am, but I bought three and now they are ready for storing files on it. I think it is a great way for the files to be in a safe place. Storing files other than the PC which currently is what I use too, will help my PC to have more space and will run properly. I just need to have a great resources for such idea. Wish me luck on the result. :-)

Okay, I search on more useful things that USB can do and found this: " Can be both Mac and PC compatible, so you can transfer files between both Macs and PCs. They are supported on all public machines, although some flash drives require a user to install drivers before use. Flash drives can hold any type of data, including excel, jpeg, video, and text files. Flash drives are also commonly referred to as key drive, thumb drives, jump drives, USB drives and pen drives."

So have a great day everyone! Enjoy storing files. :-) 


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Virus Attack on PC's

Viruses and malwares are just around! A friend of mine has been attacked by malware a week ago. She was so worried on how to remove it. Take note, she Norton but still malware came into her PC. Malware by the way is annoying or harmful software that makes its way onto a computer or a network without the owner's awareness. The word "malware" comes from the phrase "malicious software." Software is considered to be malware depending on what the intention of its creator. Computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware or any other form of unwanted software managed by an Internet Thief can be considered a malware virus. This is according to my own research and dependable resources and this is exactly what my friend told me. So at the end she has to reformat and reinstalled some programs and checking out plugins on her PC.

So be careful. Virus is virus and it will harm your PC no matter what! Please be careful in loading and accepting files. Make sure that you know the details and you know that it is safe!


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Why People Blog?

Blog is a site where in you make your own webpage and people write blogs to express their idea and knowledge or experience worth to share. People read blogs as a source of information or because they find the writer interesting. People write blog to share their ideas, knowledge and resources to the reader. And awith it, the reader will get information and they will find it interesting if they can relate it to themselves. Blogging is now more popular than before. Most individual who don’t have work or those who cannot find employment finds their way in blogging. They end up being a writer or making their own page to survive. There is money in blogging. You do not have any bosses and you are the one who controlled your time. You can work whenever you want and you are free to say what your thoughts all about. But just a bit careful as you are responsible in your own action.


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Some Tips and Ideas in Writing a Post

Sometimes, I came to the point of emptiness! I don’t know what to post and I don’t really know what to do! As you can notice my blogs sometimes don’t have much regular updates just because I am busy and I cannot think of what to post on!

Just luckily I found some time to search and scribble my mind. I would like to share with you folks. I know for sure we are in the same boat.

Here we go:
1.) Try to write a very short review on the following: Products that you like or you want to get.

2.) Write your favorite books, movies, music or even restaurants that you have been visiting before and put some pictures if possible.

3.) Post a photo (or photos) related to your blog topic. Just put a little bit caption on it then hover your mind what comes next and it will then flow, so you have now the ideas what to post. Whew! Yehey!

4.) Read and watch news, local, world and international news and find some interesting updates. Make sure not to copy articles. Just make a short summary or idea out of it! Be sure to thank where you got the news!

5.) Recall some interesting, positive and helpful event happened in your life and begin to post! :-)

Have a great posting!


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

How to Maintain Blogs

When you have a blog, basically it is a continuous updating of the events and things you want to share to the readers. Some share their random thoughts, ideas and even the resources. To go further, the blogger must know all the details and information on the topic itself and most importantly, it has to be of "makes sense" thing.

Being updated always will keep your readers interested and looking forward on your next one. Some may find it difficult to update if caught of "circumstances that can't be avoided" situation at home. Alright, it has been said that ideally, keep your post very informative, helpful, and simplified but full of context that has a thorough ideas and facts that the readers and followers can learn something on it. Every topic that matter should help and educate the one reading it, which will soon can provide them an easy learning where they can enjoy and at the same time be aware of something. By doing so, the readers will surely have a regular visit on your site that will also help your page rank atop from the others. You can also provide some articles that will catch the reader’s attention, like putting some unique topics and ideas that it is new to them, also include playful designs and artistic decors on you blogs to freshen up their eyes once they visited. Finally, you also can try to communicate with your readers so that you can know what’s their ideas and insights on every articles posted.


Keeping Up my Blogging Records

Most of the time I really wanted to organize my blogging records. What I mean is that making list on my monthly income, expenses and the likes. But I still did not start on it this year. I need to manage my time properly and find the great spand of time to do it. I have the feeling that I can really do it soon. I have the resources so in no time, I can make it organize. So I just hope that everything will be fine on the next days and will start sorting out my papers and other stuff on my blogging career.. I mean on this hobby that I am into!

Anyway, I am planning to buy some stuff like filer, pens, boxes to organize them properly. I love to start an organize work place here at home! It is always feels good to work in a clean and orderly place. I can concentrate more on writing and will get results to good posts and articles.


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Critical SEO Aspects of Keyword Density and Placement

Every good search engine optimisation campaign starts with content creation, as this the content is the subject matter that visitors and search engines will base their opinions and rankings on. While it goes without saying that content should be informative, interesting, and relevant, keyword placement and density are also important to consider during the development process, particularly if you're trying to rank highly within the SERPs (search engine result pages) for particular query phrases.

· Keyword Density

In years past, webmasters would fill pages with incoherent content stuffed with keywords in hopes of ranking with little effort. However, as Google and other search engines have advanced their algorithms over the years this is no longer possible because keyword density is analyses to determine whether a page is truly informative and relevant, or is simply filled with keyword fodder. Contrary to popular misconception, overuse of keywords can actually be detrimental to an SEO campaign. As a rule of thumb, a 300-500 word article should contain the main keyword no more than 3 to 4 times.

· Keyword Placement

Search engines comb through web pages using automated applications known as "spiders," which recognise keywords and then judge the quality and relevance of a page so that it can be ranked accordingly within search results. When keywords are placed too closely together in an article the spider tends to perceive this as keyword spam. On the other hand, if the keywords are evenly spaced and used in the context of informative content, the page is typically recognized as helpful and is therefore ranked closer to the top of the SERPs.

Content developers with SEO experience are able to generate optimal results by placing keywords in the opening paragraph (within the first 25 to 50 words), content body, and closing paragraph. It's also a good idea to use the keyword in the page title, meta-data, and tags.

Bio: Content provided by Custard Media, a web marketing agency specialising in search engine optimization on all levels of web development from social media to viral videos.


Sunday, June 10, 2012

Macbook Air

Oppsss.. one my friend is dying to have a macbook air. This is really one of her biggest wish to have. She is a blogger and willing to invest such money to buy one. I am not against with her plan, I guess if she really has the budget, why not buy? Macbook air is very nice, I would love to have one if given a chance to have enough budget for that. The slim, handy laptop can be anywhere. You do not need to worry about virus as it will be automatically scanned and update virus remover. Super nice indeed!

Every now and then I am checking out prices for macbook air, who knows they will offer lower price so I can check out my pocket. As a blogger it is good to see the results of your labor. Imagine typing and all that stuffs all day and after all no results. It is very nice to have investment like macbook air.


Friday, June 1, 2012

Looking for Free Coupon Code for Renewal

Renewing of all your domains together is funny and it needs money. Right? I need a coupon now to get less for payments in renewal. Okay, not for me but for my very dear friend A. It is always good to save little than nothing. Her domains will expire very soon and I am looking forward who and where can get coupon codes for godaddy. I have friends online too, they are also giving up codes but I tried it and it’s already expired. LOL... Must have to find one. Anybody here can give?

By the way, aside from renewal using coupons on buying online helps too! This is one way of advertising products online now, by using coupon sometimes you are forced to buy because of the saving you can get from the free coupon. So that is why using coupon helps a lot. Every single cents counts right? So if she can save using coupon why not search on it? LOL.. And asking around! Anyone here? :-))

Thanks for the help as helping my friend is very much appreciated.


Monday, May 28, 2012

Counting How Many Words of Composed Article/Post

There are many ways of how to count how many words of your composed post/article. You can do it manually (which is time-consuming) or use a program like Microsoft word. Most computers nowadays has been packed with such program (others call it as "package deal") in one's bought computer. Some others just have to buy if it is really that important, just like blogging. If you are concerned how many words already or characters to which you have in mind how many words your target post is and at the same time scouring of free ones. Then now you got it right since there are websites here in the world-wide-web which offers such (yes free). I use wordcounttool(dot)com before but lately for two days already, it cannot be seen. I mean the website just won't appear. Maybe expired hosting and they didn't renew it, or simply they don't like to be seen by public. Maybe yes, maybe no.

So have to find other alternative because such website is no use. Okay, you can use Google Document: http://www(dot)google(dot)com/document (replace the dot word to a dot sign). And you can do what you did using the wordcounttool, or use (dot)net instead of "com" so it has to be wordcounttool(dot)net . To get the word count or even how many characters.

I do not know how essential to you that is, but it is important to me. I also love to share which is what I do now. :-)


My Disclosure Policy:

This blog is a personal blog of my random thoughts written and edited by me. Beginning this date: October 13, 2009, this blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.

The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content, advertising space or post may not always be identified as paid or sponsored content. The owner of this blog is sometimes compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner of this blog receives compensation for my posts or advertisements, I always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. I am expressing my own opinion about products and services, but I am not endorsing them. Thus, you should do your own research on products or services that I mention here in my blog. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question. This blog does contain content which might present a conflict of interest. This content may not always be identified. About writings, pictures, or images -- do not copy or reproduce any of it without prior consent of the blog owner, or written permission. Any further question/s, concerns, clarifications, review, and etcetera -- please contact me through my email add/ cacainad (at) gmail (dot) com/ or you can comment me anywhere in my post. You can say don't publish it, should you like to write it through commenting. And the rest will be arrange. Thank You. __________________________________________



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