Name Branding
Well, it is a business name, your name, or username that you used to all social networks you have joined. It is better that you will only use “one” name and not different names on every network you have joined. When there is a new social network opens, it is an advantage if you join that network and become a pioneer member of that site using the same name. In case that network becomes known, the pioneer members will definitely have the highest number of friends, links, and more.
Take an example of Friendster. They are closed now but if you were a member of this site before, you can still find your friends in Facebook, or they can still find you on other networks if you are using the same name or username. This is how named branding comes. You are the first and the only one who use that name or you are known of that name, that wherever you go, whatever networks you wanted to join, friends can easily recognize you. So, it is a great advantage that when there is a new social network opens, you may have to join that site right away to optimize and be the first one to use that name. That also goes when having your business. You need a Brand Name. Yes, when talking about business thoughts, ideas and resources.