
Showing posts with label customer service. Show all posts
Showing posts with label customer service. Show all posts

Monday, October 25, 2010


Have you seen signage like "Do not pull or it will explode", "Don't open", "Keep safe. We have dogs, it will only take 1 kilo of yours" or alike? For sure you do because it is everywhere especially in urban areas, of course rural areas have it too! Now, I would believe if you do not know how to read or even see a safety signs or image of it. Ah! I believe "Ignorance excuses no one" , so better be aware for your own safety and people around. Do not you ever be stubborn or authorities will put you in jail or even tied you up. Ha! :-) It is there because it is for safety purposes, so follow it.


Friday, September 3, 2010

Getting a SSDI Help

SSDI as Social Security Disability Insurance. When a person is working (when we say working, it meant as legally work which also meant paying his/her social security) in United States, it also meant having a social security benefit in the long-run. Having a Medicare plan makes a difference in a worker's life. This is done for future circumstances beyond everyday strength, being disable, that is. It is a normal phenomenon of a person's journey and need to be taken cared before it happens or else your financial health is at risk. Getting a reliable company which will take good care if one finds it difficult to claim is such a relief. So get the best one which could help.


Monday, July 26, 2010

All I Want is Fast Stable Internet Connection!

Yes, since I cannot be in my computer all the time because of my primary work which is my husband's personal assistant, whoops a housekeeper that is! I have to wake up at five o'clock in the morning (5 a.m.) just to get my DH work suit (usually just only upper) then have to proceed helping minor stuffs before he left our rented-abode to his seven o'clock duty. Then house works next like making our bed off, let the sinks clean if ever there's something left from night's snacks or stuffs like that. Have not mentioned doing the laundry, wiping, arranging things, kitchen or the never-ending house works. And if I like to have my "me-time" or in the computer, which I usually does especially blogging, I really need a cooperative Internet connection. No "cannot communicate with primary DNS (meant Domain Name Server)" which I have to change the primary one to the proxy server. And that's a work, a hard work which needs more time and effort before I can proceed to a stable connection! By the way, sometimes it takes four to six (4-6) hours for stable one! How is that? It pretty pisses off huh! I often did the manual clicking from my right deep down computer screen to do the "ping" thing so I can change from one to another. Or I did several ways and means in order to have my computer up running which should have to be available all the time whenever I like to use. Good thing, I have now the short-cut method to ping my DNS. Woohoo! I hope this would continue for long until I know the new method personally. Seems like we cannot hold technology's fast innovation so we just have to ready for the new techniques, hope it would not be hard for me to learn. By the way, I got the new technique or short-cut method from my ISP which its customer service told me lately, actually, several times he instructed me about it, and now I have it again I figured-out I have to memorize it so I would not call them anytime there is a trouble unless if I cannot solve it by myself. Ah computer, Internet connection and DNS or other connections which evolve around it--hope you will cooperate when your boss wants to use you, huh! Hahaha. :P Just voicing-out. Now, am feeling better. :-)


Thursday, July 1, 2010

My Nostalgia #5: With Video City Co-workers and Salbakuta

I felt nostalgic looking at this picture below. Why? Because seems like I was a humble manager with my attire, oops! Nope, the manager is behind me on that picture-- the one with a long sleeve. I was a trainee such time that was why I was wearing a white shirt with my a name on it - a trainee, that is. That was way back year 2003, whew about seven years had passed but still the memories we had still so fresh on my mind working as a customer service associate. We were very close, just like a family yet just a co-workers. You bet, during inventory day (which happen during last day of the month) we were just like any other close siblings with our laughs and jokes watching some interesting movies or some rated movies, aww.. some kind of kidding with just a fun folks on the latter. ;-) *wink*

Secondly, why I felt nostalgic with this pic? It is because we had with Salbakuta Band that time visiting the store with the signal of our regional head that they will come as our guest. This band that time was an "in-thing" before because their music was a hit, so there were many people inside buying and renting our products as well as outside, glad our security guards managed to control the people. Ooh well some also are just nuisance. We had a lot of pictures taken that time with them, haha! But sadly, I just only had few on my hand right now (not to mention I only had one Salbakuta member with that picture, others were roaming around our store looking something but yes, we had with the complete band member pics but not with my hand). Perhaps I can request with my ex-co-workers. And the last but not the least as I felt nostalgic with this picture because this guy at the left side is already a seaman and make a good money right now, then the short one at the back also make good money -- a stable employee in a telephone company. The two also have the good stable jobs. I missed them. Our jokes, laughs, outings, night-outs, sessions and just some nonsense. I could say, it was a great encounter with them and a great company for just a contractual work, five months but we did a lot of fun while working. We're clicked! Isn't that great? ;-) Ooh I missed them. :(


Monday, April 12, 2010

Job Quest

Are you seriously is in need a job? And for what, why are you going to have a job? Where do you want to have it and why are your resources to get into it?

Well, I guess everyone need to have a job. Be it as a light job, an office one, a dirty job or any other kind of job as you like to have or as your skills fit in. Yeah, seriously a person should really have skill/s for such a position he/she is applying for. To find a job when you have skills plus combined hard work and smartness, is not difficult to get. For me, everyone should have a job so he/she has something to be busied, aside from there comes a bucks when you have something sensible worked on or if it pays a good bucks. Also, the place you want to have the job is important. In what place you want to stay or is it close to your dream place or something like that. It is really need to have a positive vibe when it comes to work. Positive vibe in terms of like. You like your work, that is why you are motivated of it. The drive to have it is such an important factor too. It is a source of livelihood and stuffs like that. There are many ways to get into it like job search here in internet, newspapers, magazines, radio, TV and etc. So then, good luck on your quest of finding a job! Go, get it! :)


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Protect Your Dormant Account Online

Sensitive accounts like it involves money and personal information should have to be taken cared of. Never have your password of the same word or else there is a possibility that your account will be in peril. There are malicious hackers evolve here in internet not just in person. I did not say that I am you should have to ban putting an account online but I said, be careful! Everywhere there are bad fifth element (human) but that does not also mean that there are no good folks. I know that when we are holding our hands together, these hackers will not ever win no matter how intelligent (but psychopath) they are. Since they are on the other side (which is bad side), they are always wrong. So those malicious hackers that read this, repent now and change. You still have time. You should decide now or never. There is no other time but only this time. Hope you are enlighten by God. You have only a chance and again, change and repent now. You know that you will not succeed even if you have a lot of money but the conscience will hunt you forever!

I have to tell you folks that I have a friend who was telling me about her Western Union account online which was she never used it for more than a year already and just two days ago she received an email which estate below and emailed it to me because I was curious about it, and this is the message:
Dear Western Union member,

We are sorry to inform you that your Western Union Online Account has been suspended. A high number of failed log-in attempts have been recorded on your online account. As a security measure we had to temporarily suspend your account.

To restore your account we have attached a form to this email. Please download the form and follow the instructions on your screen.

NOTE: The form needs to be opened in a modern, javascript enabled, browser (ex: Internet Explorer 8, Firefox 3, Safari 3, Opera 9).

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Sincerely, the Western Union security team.

© Copyright 2010 Western Union . All rights reserved.

Ooh ha! What a shame to a hacker, isn't it? I am using "it" because whoever he/she is or perhaps many of them which we could call "are", he/she/they does not worthy to be called a human. Am so glad that a friend of mine has the best password and security questions, if not malicious hackers will be in peril! If not put into prison, the conscience will hunt her/him/them down, perhaps not in the meantime but in the long run, it will! So, there's no case actually but a reminder to all of you who does have an account online. If you do not use it anymore, be sure to close it directly. By the way, a friend of mine of course did not reactivate it or just leave it alone as it is suspended and I advise her to report it to Western Union that her dormant account should have to be forever closed. So, beware and be cautious folks. This is just an unsolicited reminder from me. Have a good day!


Friday, February 5, 2010

When Your PC is slow...

.... There must be a problem with it! My anti-virus anti-malware software actually got malicious software, also known as malware two days in a row. Malware by the way according to microsoft is "is software designed to deliberately harm your computer". For example viruses, worms, and trojan horses are example of malware that will damage our computer. With this it is advised that our anti-malware (anti-virus and anti-spyware) software should have to be updated or else it is so much prone to damages, corrupted files, and all the files in the hard drive. The worse is if you have confidential info it will be lost too. :-( Again, when you computer runs slow and there is no problem with your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or the internet is pretty good in its connection, then it must be the computer has the problem. The malware is very much possible cause with it. So be sure you must have the software updated that combat this stuff and it will then directly quarantined to which it is not capable of harm with our PC, on the other hand, if if is not then expect to have the consequences and you know what is it already as I have said earlier. Good luck and combat the annoying malicious hackers that will destroy our computer and apparently no more blogging and browsing for the mean time or probably for a longer time. You may also like to call the customer service and ask for assistance. Be sure to expect some service fee if the warranty lapse already if you like to let your PC fixed or else buy a new one.


Sunday, January 31, 2010


I want to have a dehumidifier! The stuff that not only eliminate moisture but expels and wipe out unwanted smells whenever there are that in our house. Sometimes there is that weird stuff and to think that it is hard to get the smell out, I want to have such the kind of thing I mentioned to drive the odor out! It is always great to breath and inhale fresh air every time so I would go for stuff like that.Proper ventilation is important. But I felt like it is the Realtor would need a basement dehumidifier because basically that is their responsibility, making this apartment complex clean and green.. I mean neat and clean. So good luck to the concern, may all are doing responsibly and living comfortably. Keep going.. :-)


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A $200 Walmart Gift Card?

Beware! Days ago my husband got a message on his phone for me (my name appeared for the greeting) telling that I have a gift certificate worth $200 from Walmart and has the code and a phone number to call for confirmation that I am about to claim it. As I got the message which DH handed me while I was eating, I wasn't that excited because how can I have it which in fact I didn't expect to have something. In short, I was skeptical that perhaps it's just a trick from marketers which they do nowadays. My DH phone and mine was registered not to accept telemarketers so they can't call for telemarketing idea, I thought it was "textmarketing".. (LOL) and perhaps I maybe the first one to name it :-).. it just came up to my mind. So then to continue, I asked my husband if he's okay for me to call because he's not into marketing thing, perhaps he thought that I really got something. And so I call! I gave the code and talked. I asked and talked (of course I listened to). Then after listening, I asked if what company the other party working, and told me the two companies (not familiar) and its telephone numbers. He then confirming based upon his record my personal information and even told that I confirmed that I have debit and credit card, my mind said "what the heck is this?" if it a gift then why has they confirmed that I have that and this which is basically to pay something. And he said (because I asked afterwards) I only pay for shipping and handling and nothing else. And my thought urge that is that simple and easy as that, that I will give my financial numbers (FYI: I don't have that enough) if ever I have it? I thought that they there's a big possibility that they will use or some kind of risk trial situation to which if you forgot to send back the item you don't like, you will have to pay the whole amount then.. it's no joke! Ooh my.. should I have to give my "skeptical" trust thinking that his file is my old and closed email add, and my name isn't that current? There are two errors he had so, that's the thing when talking about facts aside from the other party is totally stranger to me. I told then nicely that I will have to call back if I can have the decision already and done!

So beware! Ask, talk, confirm, and be informed by the customer service or other party and such. Be attentive especially an offer like that since business is business! There is something they could get in return (that is called "hidden intention") when talking about business so be aware unless you like to have it. And that isn't bad (unless you are not informed), again, business is business.


Sunday, November 22, 2009

RV Towing Assistance

If you want to have a secure RV towing company in the future, you may like to get a great company which can handle the problem which you think will give you headaches especially when you're in the middle of an emergency or perhaps in the middle of nowhere. It's good to have a help which can be trusted and you can contact directly anywhere you are. Surely it will ruin your family vacation if something happen on the road and won't be attend directly, isn't it? Then go nowhere but to reliable rv towing company. I just think of it as a resource in case of emergency. It's great to be safe rather than sorry!


Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Best Health Insurance Lead

The best insurance leads, is what every agent or as I said insurance companies want. Be sure to get the best one.

I didn't know about insurance lead until I found an example below. It is an example of an Auto Insurance Lead excerpt from insurancelead(dot)com as my resources. I may sound referring it to you the site for an insurance leads but nope it's up to you to go over there to get an auto insurance lead,
health insurance lead, or any lead you like to get if looking for such. I can't say it's the best or any other but only the peeps concerned are looking for the best health insurance lead that sustains its company.

Insurance leads are important for an an insurance agent or an insurance company. It has been said that if "if you like to get more sales or have your clients stick on you, then insurance lead is for you". You may like to check the insurance lead site as stated below and see for yourself. Don't hesitate to ask its customer service and check all you wanna check. Again, this isn't a referral, just only in case if you like to. Below is an example of an insurance lead:

Auto Insurance Lead Sample
For: Agent's Name
Lead ID: 66746
Insurance Type: Automobile
Date: 07/28/2002

Contact Information

Need Quote: ASAP Best Day: Anyday

Best Time: Anytime
Name: John Doe Day Phone: (850) 256-1276 x 23
Address: 4536 Alaska Ave Evening Phone: (850) 722-0310
City: Kalskag Cell Phone: (878) 310-2386
County: Bethel Fax: (850) 722-0310
State: AK Email: johndoe@email.com
Zip Code: 99607 Alternate Email: johndoe@altemail.com

Currently Insured: Yes Current Residence: Own
Current Carrier: Farmers Yrs at Current Residence: Less than 1 year
Renewal Date: 6/3/2003 Yrs at Previous Residence: 5+ years

Driver's Information
Name: John Doe Self Driver's License: AK
DOB: 3/5/1961 Age: 42 License Status: Active
Gender: Male Marital: Married Licensed (in US): 15+ years
Prior Coverage: 5+ years Drink: No Smoke: No
Filing Required: None Credit History: Average
Occupation: Employed Education: Associate Degree
Name: Joanna Doe Spouse Driver's License: AK
DOB: 6/10/1963 Age: 40 License Status: Active
Gender: Female Marital: Married Licensed (in US): 15+ years
Prior Coverage: 5+ years Drink: No Smoke: No
Filing Required: None Credit History: Average
Occupation: Employed Education: High School Diploma

Violation and Accident Information
John Doe
07/2002 Failure to Stop
Joanna Doe
Chargeable Accident - no Injury
Hit the car in the parking lot while backing

Vehicle Information
2001 Toyota Corolla CE
Primary Driver: John Doe
Security Device: Alarm, Disabling
Garage: Locked Homing Device: Teletrack
Usage: Commute One way: 10 Air Bags: Dual, Head, Side
Annual Miles: 12,000 ABS Brakes: 2 wheels
Comp / Coll: 500 / 500 Auto Belts: Yes
Salvaged: No Gap Coverage: Yes

Selected Coverage
BIPD: 100/300/50 UMBI: 15/30 UMPD: Yes
Towing: Yes Rental: Yes Medical: 1,000

Comments: Please, contact me ASAP!

an example of an Insurance Lead of insurancelead(dot)com

Have a good day!


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ink Cleaning Products for Anilox

A thought. If you have a business that operates printing stuffs like flexographic printing press, gavure press, or any type of converting machine, then Anilox is the main star with it. This possess a very important roll in printing press. But what happen after all with the ink of the stuffs, will it be clean as to environment-friendly attitude? Is the ink cleaning products good for human being? If it is, then that's great! But if not, then there's a big problem we will have to face. Ooh well, old ink cleaning products has to change! If it doesn't cost that much and it is for the good of our environment of which we live in, then go for it! If you're shopping one, be sure to get the great deal (of course) with its price, quality, environment-friendly, superior performance chemicals, and other way to make the business going and good for the community as well. And one thing, don't hesitate to call its costumer service if something you would like to know before shopping.


Thursday, September 24, 2009

ISP Technician Will Do the Maintenance of My Internet

I guess maintenance is very important - to look physically what happened not just blah blah.. but not that easy to arrange since it will be a time-consuming rather than talking at the customer service via phone but I guess this is a need. Twice a year of maintenance is already beyond my expectation. This Friday or the day after tomorrow the technician will come over at our house to fix whatever happens to the internet - the customer service said that it must be the outside problem since the lights in the modem is always blinking, the "Ready" light is very important among the five lights, then the "WLAN" is my next concern since am using a portable PC. So far for my husband, he's only concern is the "Ready" light since he's using desktop and the main network is on him. Anyway, I hope this will be fixed already. The good thing is no more cost for the maintenance because hubby enrolled for the additional $2 every payment for it, or every time there's a work to be done, we will pay for it and can't guarantee how much but surely how many times the amount of $2 insurance cost. If no work to be done, then the insurance will enjoy the payment.. (~_~) Well, mostly everything here in America should have insurance like sending some package even just nationwide only, if you will not pay for it, no guarantee that whatever happens to the goods you sent - no more refund you can get. That's the easy way to claim something rather than having trouble or nothing. I must say mostly. Anyway, I hope that there will be no big problem regarding internet or else... you know.. (~_~)


Friday, September 18, 2009

Unstable Internet Connection

Though I have a fast internet connection service(plus 10 bucks for original price) from our Internet Service Provider, yet there comes a time that it is on and off. I could say it's my internet because READY light or sometimes WLAN in the modem should be stable and if not then, there's a problem of the connection. One time the customer service said it is my PC problem but I insist since they told me about the lights which is the stuff you will look into to determine the problem. If it is all in steady light, then my PC has a problem but nope, I see it in my very own eyes.. hemmm.. is it because of the weather, maintenance or some? I hope so since it is so annoying not to have what they promised. I hope it will be good already. That's all I want.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009


This was my experience last Friday (July 3) when me and my hubby went shopping.

Every time I go out the house even downstairs to the laundry room or to the mailbox--I always bring my cellphone. And so the time went well and we headed to the store. I had one short pant from our shopping before that it didn't fit me that I need to change the size of it. So then, at the store I headed to the customer service telling each other that we will just call whoever finish first. And so I fell in line and change my pant and get what the stuffs planned after it. Then I guess an hour or less, am done and planned to call him if he's done yet. And holah! I got panicked that I can't find my phone at my purse! Ohhh my! I checked and rechecked my purse thinking that I was just thinking wrong--that my phone was just in there but to no avail. After 3 times of checking again and again, it's confirmed that I don't had my phone. It's coincidence that there's a guy near me looking for stuff he wanna buy in the lane I was in. I was not ashamed to ask him if I can borrow his phone and discussed the incident. He understood the problem and he let me borrowed it. I called my husband 2 times and left him a message but didn't replied. Why? because there were lots of anonymous and telemarketers always calling him(that's my thought--for an excuse). Well then what I did was just turn the big mall 3 times with my stuffs thinking that he was there at the place he used to but no--haven't found him. Until I decided to page him at the customer service--that's my resource. And fell in line again there and told them what happened and I said that I will just wait at the specific place. You know some kind of a little shameful telling that my hubby/me got lost each other but that's only my last resort or else I will wait there for longer and no exact information for him. He didn't knew that I forgot my phone. I don't want also to took a chance that he will open his voicemail of that time. The bigger part was that he was also upset of not answering my phone. Well, back to the paging, after given the information, I walked away headed to the place I said on my voicemail and to the customer service person. And thanks God I found him but on his way finish paying the stuffs at the counter but it's not yet done. So I put my stuffs also in there and headed way home. And discussed what happened. I was sweating that time... waaaahh.. first time in history that I paged him and forgot my cellphone on the very important time. I asked him next time, we will checked each other cellphone(or important stuff) before heading to the plan. Well, it's some kind of incident and circumstance too but am positive that it can be avoided if we will get rid of it as to planning. Have a fun week all!


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This blog is a personal blog of my random thoughts written and edited by me. Beginning this date: October 13, 2009, this blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.

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