When Your PC is slow...
.... There must be a problem with it! My anti-virus anti-malware software actually got malicious software, also known as malware two days in a row. Malware by the way according to microsoft is "is software designed to deliberately harm your computer". For example viruses, worms, and trojan horses are example of malware that will damage our computer. With this it is advised that our anti-malware (anti-virus and anti-spyware) software should have to be updated or else it is so much prone to damages, corrupted files, and all the files in the hard drive. The worse is if you have confidential info it will be lost too. :-( Again, when you computer runs slow and there is no problem with your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or the internet is pretty good in its connection, then it must be the computer has the problem. The malware is very much possible cause with it. So be sure you must have the software updated that combat this stuff and it will then directly quarantined to which it is not capable of harm with our PC, on the other hand, if if is not then expect to have the consequences and you know what is it already as I have said earlier. Good luck and combat the annoying malicious hackers that will destroy our computer and apparently no more blogging and browsing for the mean time or probably for a longer time. You may also like to call the customer service and ask for assistance. Be sure to expect some service fee if the warranty lapse already if you like to let your PC fixed or else buy a new one.
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