There are many ways of how to count how many words of your composed post/article. You can do it manually (which is time-consuming) or use a program like Microsoft word. Most computers nowadays has been packed with such program (others call it as "package deal") in one's bought computer. Some others just have to buy if it is really that important, just like blogging. If you are concerned how many words already or characters to which you have in mind how many words your target post is and at the same time scouring of free ones. Then now you got it right since there are websites here in the world-wide-web which offers such (yes free). I use wordcounttool(dot)com before but lately for two days already, it cannot be seen. I mean the website just won't appear. Maybe expired hosting and they didn't renew it, or simply they don't like to be seen by public. Maybe yes, maybe no.
So have to find other alternative because such website is no use. Okay, you can use Google Document: http://www(dot)google(dot)com/document (replace the dot word to a dot sign). And you can do what you did using the wordcounttool, or use (dot)net instead of "com" so it has to be wordcounttool(dot)net . To get the word count or even how many characters.
I do not know how essential to you that is, but it is important to me. I also love to share which is what I do now. :-)
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