
Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Thursday 13 #3 --- 13 Random Thoughts

Oops yeah, am not on-time again but it is okay since it is still Thursday, eh? Heheh.. Still I wish to do it earlier the next week. I really hope to do it. Help me God that it won't be covered with my works and chores. Alright, my thoughts for Thursday 13 this week is random thoughts again as of this moment. It is like an impromptu thoughts. I have to see what I can come up with and how many minutes I can do it which then I have to make it fast but accurate and sharply thinking for I have many stuffs to do. I am running with the ticking of the clock but nevertheless of the time, I have to elaborate it in a cool way. Okay, in my time it is fifteen minutes past after seven o'clock PM. I have to go.
  1. My first thought is how much time will this post consumes.
  2. Secondly, if what are the topics the other participants have. I will check it out later.
  3. I am hungry and currently thinking what to eat after this post.
  4. Thinking of going to my "bessy" A's home this Sunday but I have to figure-out first if it is a good time to do it thinking about tasks and some appointments. I also need to rest.
  5. Will be going to do laundry the white ones only tomorrow.
  6. I will then put the pairs of plastic stuffs to each of the long sleeve shirts I washed yesterday so it is ready for ironing.
  7. Have to get back into a routine of fifty strokes of brushing my hair everyday or before going to bed.
  8. Will have to clean the kitchen after eating and make sure no more dishes left on the sink. Then the #6 will follow after. At least I cannot sit directly making my tummy bulge. I have come up a good idea out of doing kitchen chores anyway. :)
  9. Will see if I can do some task after this because I have to do the dropping first and it is already about time.
  10. I am loving my new browser persona theme. It coincides to my stuffs and apps above as well as I can see the stuffs written below. It didn't made me a hard time to create one.
  11. I would like to thank payU2B for giving me an idea of it. Thank you PayU2B!
  12. The second from the last thought as of this moment is to hear some music or watch TV after 9 PM. After all, DH don't have work every Friday. I can watch but not too long enough because there's some appointments for tomorrow.
  13. The last but not the least thought is that I just recently remembered that Easter day is on April 4. It will be Sunday the next week. It is fast approaching! Happy Easter Sunday in advance! :)
So here you go.. my thirteen random thoughts as of this moment for Thursday 13. You may also like to add your current thought/s as of this moment. You can either give one or just a short summarized thought should you like to add more. It will be fun if you like to. Enjoy thinking! Have a great Thursday everyone...


Susannah March 26, 2010 at 11:00 AM  

Happy Easter Sunday in advance to you too!

And enjoy your 400 strokes while brushing your hair!


e-Mom @ Chrysalis

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