Malware, /Warning of Page Attack!
Nope, not on this blog but somebody's blog to which I was a member of it. If you are entrecarder and you love to join in a group of droppers, then you might be familiar with iamburaot(dot)com to which I put it just below the entrecard badge (yes the badge which Entrecard gave to use, mandatory). Now a co-blogger friend of mine, was a bit panicked because she could not log-in on her two blogs (a blogspot and a domain, together from blogger platform). Good thing an angel came to the rescue, telling to remove such link. Since I was online that time and in the group, I saw the post. Then I checked my three blogs (where such code placed). Everything fine but just to be sure I removed it all. Yes, in my three blogs. I am just sad because I was in that entrecarding group (lead by him) for long already. But then I can't take a chance because as I checked his link, it is already a "page attack" warned by Google. So for now (until he fix it), I am just contented of what I have, of what this blog have. I should have to, I know. Smile. Really, it's a big yes. :-) Besides I cannot blog hop as often as I can than before because am a new mommy. One day soon, I can go back to dropping or even extreme dropping and commenting. :-)
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Foods 'N Bites
Cacai M.'s Place
Cacai's Steps and Journey
My Journey Being a Mommy
Thanks and see yah. ;-)