Seriously? Ha ha! You may think somewhat a bit weird but really, it is my first time tinkering the Bluetooth on my old Samsung A777 phone, which I used as my main phone way back two years ago to which I still use it until now for my alarm and a camera sometimes (it still has SD memory card and pictures on it) as I cannot use it for a call and back since it doesn't have a mobile connection anymore. Yes, a big yes to that, as in really? I know that it has Bluetooth as well as my Nokia E-5 now (my main mobile phone) as well as my laptop and printer but it's just now that I am able to do the Bluetooth thing which I do for transferring a photo and video from the SD card attached in my A777 to my E-5 as I want to get an easy work. And yeah as usual, it does work just like any other device which has BT (I am making this two letter "BT" as short for Bluetooth, I don't know if there's that term, whatever that means). :-)
And so I already have my transferred video and photo from my old phone to my new one. Hooray! Ha! But how to do it? If you think this is helpful to you, this is it. You just have to turn-on the Bluetooth of booth device and choose an option of transfer through Bluetooth and automatically it finds the name of device, just select the model of the device you want to transfer it to. Then done! Easy-peasy, right! Great! Good job!
Have a great day!
It is better late than never )) Hope your new experience will become a very succeful experiment )
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