Computer Stores
Retail Stores
Retail stores offer display models that can be tested, brand-name equipment and a larger technical support staff. But you are generally stuck with choosing from what’s on the shelves resources and may get a system that is difficult to upgrade because it uses proprietary hardware. Sales help is often uninformed.
Custom Stores
Do no-name computers really work? The answer is yes. Custom stores allow you to choose the components that you want to tailor your computer to your needs, based on your thoughts and ideas. They usually use brand-name internal components, but be sure to ask. The sales personnel are usually more knowledgeable than their counterparts at retail stores. The technical support and training available usually depends on the size of the store. There are larger chain custom stores that offer all the support and training that retail outlets do, but small local custom shops may fall short in these areas. Keep in mind that custom computers are generally easier to upgrade and may cost less than brand-name computers.
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