Spell Checking and Grammar Proofreading
The information that am going to share to you now is very helpful for bloggers and any other folks whose working in data or anything of words composition. Yep, sometimes we just like our mind to take it in or typing it out without knowing that there are some misspellings or grammatically wrong. I could say it might not be 100% accurate but it's up to the maker what he/she wants his/her writings to appear. The thoughts, flow of the sentences, phrase and etc. Just thinking, this site would help: www.spellcheck(dot)net . Alright, replace the (dot) with a sign . and it would take you to it. To tell you, that was spellchecker(dot)net before and I just found out myself that it was changed since I cannot access the latter. And that's it, I got what I wanted which is to paste my composition and let it be checked and proofread myself after it proofreads. Though not all my posts I proofread, haha! With that, let me know what you don't understand, okay? You have my gmail add on my profile. :-) I hope this helps! Copy and paste your work and let the spellcheck to its work, then grammar check by hitting the word grammar above the window pane, or hit the thesaurus if you like to use the thesaurus thing. Have fun posting! :-)
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